Dropsy is a scary disease among Goldfish Keepers. The symptoms are caused by kidney failure. The kidney shuts down and the fish retains fluid. This fluid retention causes the fish to bloat and the scales to distend as fluid builds up underneath them.
So what's the first symptom of dropsy?
The first symptom of the disease start to show when the fish appears bloated or scales behind the head distend. As the disease progresses all the scales start to distend, moving gradually towards the caudal fin until the fish looks like a pine cone that has opened.
What causes dropsy?
Older fish in poor water condition often develop the disease or fish that have been exposed to an extended period of low temperatures.
Redness on the body or fins is common which would indicate that the fish is in poor condition and its immune system has failed.
The exact cause of dropsy in a fish is unknown unless a necropsy is done after death which makes treatment difficult.
Excluding toxins, there are three possible causes, bacterial or parasitical attack of the kidney or cysts.
At a guess it is probably a gram negative aeromona bacterial disease that has attacked the kidney causing it to shut down.
Quoting C M Sandoval from the Czech Institute of Parasitology Biology Centre ACSR, "It is now known that the disease is caused by myxozoan parasites, commonly of the species Sphaerospora auratus, among others. Unfortunately there is at present no effective chemotherapeutic drug against the organism, although Fumagillin has been reported as effective against Hoferellus carassii infection (Yokohama et al.2009)"
Cystic Kidney
There is no treatment available for a cystic kidney.
Algal Control Products
Products with the active ingredient Poly(oxyethylene) (dimethylimino) ethylene (dimethylimino) ethylene dichloride should be avoided as it is toxic to fish and causes internal organ damage.
What is the treatment if detected early stage?
There is no easy answer to this condition. If the goldfish looks like an opened pine cone before you notice it, then it is probably too late for treatment.
But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.
As soon as scales are seen distending behind the head, treatment must be started.
The treatment steps to be followed:
Move the goldfish immediately into the Hospital tank with half filled aquarium water and rest should be fresh water.
Dose Seachem Prime into the water for the fish to be safe from any Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate spikes.
Dose 1/8 teaspoon of "Epsom Salt" per 5 gallon (approx 18 Litres). Epsom salt helps in reducing the swelling caused. PLEASE DO NOT USE AQUARIUM SALT AT ALL. It would worsen the condition of fluid retention that occurs
Wait for 24 Hours post dosage and observe the fish.
Next day make a 50% water change. Don't forget to dose prime post change.
It's now time to dose antibiotic called Kanamycin to the fish and Seachem Kanaplex is known to do wonders during Dropsy treatment.
Directions to use:
Dosing in Water: Remove all invertebrates - these are extremely sensitive to medication. Turn off UV filters, ozone filters, and remove chemical filtration if any. Use 1 measure (included) per every 20 L (5 gallons). Repeat this dose every 48 hours to a maximum of 3 doses. In cases of severe infections, it is possible to carry out two rounds of treatment back-to-back. However, this should only be done if fish show no signs of stress at the end of the first round.
Dosing in Food: Feed the medicated food mix (recipe below) every day until the infection clears or up to 1 week. This medicated food can be refrigerated or frozen between feedings. 1 scoop KanaPlex1 scoop Focus™1 tbsp food (preferably pellets or frozen food) A few drops of water if using a dry food. To enhance palatability use with GarlicGuard™ or Entice™.
1 Week After Kanaplex Treatment
Since the reason for dropsy is unknown and one of the causes could also be parasites besides Bacterial infection, It's best to treat the fish for parasites also.
The treatment steps to be followed:
Make a 50% water change after Kanaplex round of treatment is over. Don't forget to dose prime
Use activated filter carbon to remove any remaining Kanaplex.
It's now time to dose antibiotic called metronidazole to the fish and Seachem Metroplex is recommended for the treatment
Directions to use:
Dosing in Water: Remove all invertebrates - these are extremely sensitive to medication. Turn off UV filters, ozone filters, and remove chemical filtration like MatrixCarbon™and Purigen®. Use 1-2 measures (included) per every 40 L (10 US gallons). Repeat this dose every 48 hours for up to 3 weeks or until symptoms disappear.
Dosing in Food: Feed the medicated food mix (recipe below) every day until the infection clears or up to 3 weeks. This medicated food can be refrigerated or frozen between feedings.1 scoop MetroPlex1 scoop Focus™1 tbsp food (preferably pellets or frozen food)A few drops of water if using a dry food. To enhance palatability use with GarlicGuard™ or Entice™.
After-Treatment Care
Make a 50% water change and dose seachem prime
Use activated filter carbon to remove any antibiotic remaining in the tank
Dose Epsom Salt (as directed above). It would help the fish to recover from stress after staying on a treatment of antibiotics for a while
Let the fish be in the hospital tank for a month post the treatment is over.
Feed fish live food and high quality fish food (Remember do not overfeed). Feed live food or pellets in the morning and blanched vegetables (Broccoli, spinach, kale, etc) in the evening. Good diet is important for the fish to restore its immunity.
Prevention is better than cure
Dropsy is usually a condition brought on by something that weakened the fish's immunity.
Many factors are easily fixed so that you can keep dropsy out of your school of fish. To start with, keep your fish tank or pond lightly stocked. The cleaner the water, the better the chance of healthy fish. Check the pH balance of the water and try to maintain it between 6.8 and 7.8. Check your water for chlorine, Ammonia, Nitrite at least weekly. Even low levels of them can cause stress in the fish’s body. Too many days and weeks of stress can lead to dropsy. Keep your fish healthy with a high quality diet.
I will at this time, wish you luck in saving your fish and hope that this treatment worked for you. Happy Goldie Keeping!!